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Connect - Relate - Collaborate

The internet is seemingly the best and fastest way for people to share and receive information. This most definitely applies to students in perfusion school. Forums and social media are the most efficient way to communicate within our profession. Below you will find our student-run pages along with some fun social media postings. We aim to foster a community that is informative, supportive, and fun!


Check out the student's postings for 2023. They're talking about some pretty interesting stuff!


This is the professional networking platform for students to connect with one another. 


You can find all of their posts here as well!




It's time to support our AmSECT friends!

Just like the Academy, the American Society of Extracorporeal Technology (AmSECT) also has a student society and fundraiser to help them attend their yearly meeting. Many of the students who attended and/or presented at the Academy are also doing so at AmSECT!


This is what their t-shirt looks like. Their link to purchase and support is HERE.

Other Fun The Internet Provides!

Articles, Postings, Other Forms of Social Media

As we all know, perfusionists wear many hats. But we do this both inside and outside of the operating room. This week is a shout out to Ms. McKenzie Bangasser, CCP.  Not only is she a full time perfusionist, she is also a perfusion-related content creator and a small business owner!  She is ALSO the one producing AmSECT's fundraising shirts this year. We love a straight GIRLBOSS.


Check out her tiktok and her shop here.

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